In your small business, how can you get reliable answers to your complex marketing problems?
(And how on earth do you find answers to these questions at 3:26 in the morning?)

On most days, a small business owner has questions
These questions may involve something to do with marketing, or technology, or how to roll out a project. It may be about how to launch an offline company, or how to promote an online product.
And the natural response to such a situation is to try and find the answers via the Internet. But often the answers online are unpredictable and contradictory.
What’s worse is that the source of the information can’t always be trusted. You’re never sure what’s being revealed and what’s being ‘conveniently forgotten.’ Plus when you do fix things in your marketing strategy, website etc., there’s often no other trusted source you can turn to, to ask for an opinion.
It’s a bit like standing outside the cave
It’s cold, it’s raining buckets. And the last bolt of lightning was uncomfortably close for you to jump. You look inside the cave and see a nice warm fire, a party going on and lots of soothing hot food. But outside the cave you’re on your own.
And when you’re on your own you struggle.
You struggle because there’s no one to turn to. If you get stuck, you’ve got to work things out yourself. You get more frustrated and often spend hours going around in circles.
And within 5000bc, you’ll find the warmth of the Cave. (Yes, there is really a forum called the Cave within 5000bc, where we all gather).
In the Cave, you’ll find the warm comfort of other Cavers who are searching for reliable information, just like you. You’ll find resources and ideas that will help you move ahead, and progress rapidly. Instead of standing out in the cold rain, you’ll experience the satisfaction of sitting around a warm fireplace, warming your toes and getting the answers you seek in a safe environment.
So what is 5000bc?
5000bc is the membership site of Psychotactics—but, hey, that’s just the technical description. It’s really a place where you learn, make friends and move ahead. And it’s a place that’s safe and warm.
So what makes 5000bc unique?
When you join most memberships, the founder/owner almost never shows up.
The uniqueness of 5000bc is that Sean sticks around
He’s around 20 or 30 times a day. And when you ask a question, you will be amazed at the richness and detail in the answer.
Sometimes he’ll write 4 or 5 articles, just for you–just to answer your question. That’s what makes 5000bc utterly unique.
In 5000bc you will find:
- People with kind eyes and steely determination.
- Information that’s specific to your current and future needs.
- Fun, fun and a source of great inspiration.
- First preference to events and courses.
Reason 1: People with kind eyes and steely determination
In Africa there’s a saying that goes like this: “If you want to travel quickly, go alone. If you want to travel far, go with a group.” 5000bc is about going far and hence we have to have a solid, united group. To get to this ever-changing destination, the group must have an atmosphere of safety and caring. But the biggest factor that drives this group is that they want to ‘get things done.’
This isn’t a group that sits around whining and moaning. It’s a group that knows that to move ahead, you have to be action-oriented.
But how do the members interact?
Since we’re on the Internet, the only real way to interact effectively is through a forum (in 5000bc, it’s called the ‘Cave’). You’re invited into the Cave, to sit around the fireplace, away from the cold winds outside. And it’s in this safe, private place that you can work with other members. Yet forums can be pretty scary places. It’s not uncommon to run into nasty, childish—even vindictive behaviour on forums. In 5000bc, we work towards the exact opposite. And this is achieved by attracting the right kind of people.
So which are the ‘right kind of people?’
For one, it’s people with the right attitude. But there are other devices in place too. We understand that in order to trust someone we have to know who they are, what they do and where they come from. So in 5000bc, the forum has actual photos of the members. No avatars, no animal or superhero pictures are allowed. We need to relate to people one on one.
The second factor is that despite being around since the year 2003, the membership of 5000bc is deliberately kept small and intimate. Based on our member’s advice, we accept few members every month and grow slowly, because we need to get to know each other and work with each other as a group. You’ll find people from countries all over the world. Some countries represented are Hungary, Netherlands, USA, Canada, France, India, New Zealand, Japan, Malaysia, UK, Australia, Italy, Germany…um…you can say it’s a very diverse place.
But it’s people with the right attitude who are determined to make progress and make their business better.

And the members of 5000bc are genuinely helpful
They are the kind that go out of their way to make people comfortable. They go out of their way to work hard and get results. If you’re sick and tired of places where the only agenda is more self-promotion, then you’ll heave a sigh of relief once you get into 5000bc.
And that takes us to Reason No.2
Reason 2: Information that’s specific to your current and future needs
Let’s face it. We’re drowning in information. And yet we need more information to keep on top of things. Now any membership site will give you a ton of information. What’s different about 5000bc is that the information is suited to you—and your project.
So how do we make this specifically apply to you?
As you’d expect, there’s a ton of information in 5000bc. There are specific interviews with transcripts (see below), hundreds of articles, the highly coveted ‘Vanishing Reports’ (more below) and a massive archive of over 100,000 posts on the forum. But hey, it would be impossible to even cover a fraction of this information.
So the way it works is like this
You ask a question. And it gets answered. It gets answered by me (I’m there twenty five times a day—except when I’m on vacation) and others who can give their advice. And you can ask as many as 5000 questions a month—if you choose. That’s a whopping 170 questions a day.
Not that you’ll need to ask it, but that’s how happy we are with your questions. And when you ask the question, the answer is quite surprising.
Unlike a search engine that will just pop back an answer, the answers you get in 5000bc are specific. You will be not only be given an opinion, but will also be directed to detailed information within the Cave itself. For example, if you wanted to find out how to create signature stories (like the ‘seven red bags’ story) you’ll have a wealth of information. And this is the most important fact of all. If the information doesn’t exist, we’ll create it. And often the answer may be as many as four-five articles. Sometimes it can be a whole report—created just based on a single question.
Unlike other forums where the forum owner is nowhere to be seen, I’m there from 4am (NZ Time) answering questions through the year (except when I take my vacations—and the vacation dates are announced well in advance). On most days you’ll find me there at 5am, 6am, 11am, 12pm (People ask me if I ever sleep. The answer is yes, but I am around in the Cave a lot). Each question is answered in great detail. And amazing as it may sound, I may even write a series of articles purely based on your questions.
And just in case, you don’t like using a forum, you can use the ‘Ask Sean’ feature, that’s like a hot button right to my inbox.

And this is because we want to advance as a group
We know that the smarter our group gets, the faster we’ll move ahead. And so it’s our common interest to help each other, critique each other and nudge each other to move ahead. After being slightly reluctant for a while, you’ll find that Cave, the Taking Action forum and other forums are just what you need to really give yourself a ‘swift kick’ to move ahead.
So if you ask just a few questions or 4779 questions, your question will be promptly answered in great detail and with great courtesy.
Which takes us to Reason 3.
Reason 3: Fun, fun and a source of great inspiration.
We get into business so that we can have more control over our lives. Then our business drives us nuts. We need a place to have fun, to unwind. We need a place where we can relax and talk about things that scare us, bug us, or even share a joke or two. And yes we need inspiration. In 5000bc, the focus is on getting things done. And when we see how others, just like us, achieve their goals we’re driven to do the same. The Internet can be a scary place with all that crappy “I just made $1 gazillion dollars and got 459,346 people to my website” rubbish. 5000bc shows you what’s real and achievable and helps you get there.
And of course you get inspiration from the way we (that’s my wife Renuka and I) run things. How we have taken 3-month vacations since the year 2004. And how we’ve grown the business systematically and ethically. And without any hoopla. And you’ll get a template for what can be achieved with a ton of hard work and a ton of fun.
And finally, Reason 4
Reason 4: First preference to events and courses
This may sound like marketing hype, but the Psychotactics courses and workshops are extremely highly prized. There was a time when most of our courses (e.g. The Article Writing Course) would take about 4 weeks or more to fill up. Those were the old days. Most of the courses now fill up in under 24 hours. Some courses fill up in under an hour. It sounds like madness, and it is. But the reason why these courses fill up so very quickly is because of the dedicated training that goes into it.
As a 5000bc member you get first preference to these courses and workshops. Some are free, some are paid. But there’s always a massive rush to the door and that’s why it pays to be a 5000bc member. This is also why you almost never see the huge ‘launch formula’ that you see with most ‘gurus’. There’s nothing to launch here. We all understand what needs to be done and we get down to it.
And of course you get goodies that others don’t see. Courses that others don’t hear of at all. It all happens in 5000bc. And it happens all the time.
The obstacle preventing me from buying 5000bc was the uncertainty of knowing if it would have really been worth it.

David Charest
New York, USA
I remember I was checking out the free stuff on 5000bc after reading the Brain Audit. I was having some problems with the videos on the site.
I sent Sean an email about it. I was very impressed with his quick and amiable response. The video issue was fixed shortly after wards. And I was impressed with the content.
This coupled with Sean’s response made me feel very comfortable. And that seemed to be the tipping point for me. 5000bc has lot of great content. Content that is fun and helpful. Not that dry and boring stuff you find most places.
The Cave is really interesting too. I was surprised at how active Sean was in the forum. It is great. And really does feel like a safe place. With lots of helpful people.
The specific feature I like best is the access to Sean.
Also the other benefits are the: Special Reports, The Rips and the great community.
I would definitely recommend 5000bc because if you enjoyed the Brain Audit it’s the next step to working through the concepts. It’s a big help to understanding and applying things to your business.
I’d just like to add that I feel very good about the decision to join. I’ve learned a lot. And continue to do so everyday.
Usually I don’t find membership sites valuable. The forums are filled with people who can’t really help me, and the founders are no where to be seen, so I don’t get any help.

Henri Junttila
Sometimes the content will be good, but I’m at a stage now where I don’t necessarily need more content, and if I do, I need more specific training courses/programs.
What attracted me to 5000bc—It came down to one thing: access to Sean. I still remember reading the one sentence on the sales page where Sean said “You can ask as many questions as you like, which would be equal to $60,000 in consulting” or something along those lines.
5000bc is different—For one, Sean actually talks to people and the members are having fun. In other forums/memberships often just the members are in there sharing and talking, and they might not know what they are talking about or what advice they’re giving.
Some of the information you get in 5000bc
Within 5000bc you get a whole variety of media that helps you get answers quickly. And if it doesn’t exist, we’ll create it for you!
I was worried that this would be yet another expense where I didn’t end up using what I had bought.

Marina Brito
Fairfax, Virginia, USA
You guys are masters of making sure that we consume (what we’ve bought)! And so, I’ve learned a ton since I joined!
I love The Cave. I honestly haven’t made the time to try out anything else or even look into anything other than the general discussion board! The other things I really like: Direct access and insights from Sean, networking with other like-minded small business owners, the positive and encouraging vibe.
If you ask me: Would I recommend 5000bc I’d say: Of course! Because I’ve learned a lot!
One more thing I’d like to add. Thanks for being so dedicated to us. 🙂
If you suspect that your business could be bringing in a lot more revenue but you don’t have a clue how to make that happen without hype or hassle, 5000bc is a must-have resource.

Molly Gordon,
Master Certified Coach
Shaboom Inc, USA
I honestly didn’t see what 5000bc could offer me that I couldn’t get from Sean’s books. Besides, how could a bunch of people – most of whom are not business experts – help me build my business?”
I joined anyway because the price was right and I wanted the information that came with the premium membership. ?
The information and support I received from Sean and my fellow “cavers” about a single Web page was directly responsible for selling $10,000 worth of books in less than two weeks.
Unlike many Web communities, 5000bc members are active and to the point. Sean keeps adding content that drills down to specific problems in business and then shows you how to solve them.
If you suspect that your business could be bringing in a lot more revenue but you don’t have a clue how to make that happen without hype or hassle, 5000bc is a must-have resource.
Try it. You won’t regret it.
Do you really need to become a member of another site?
No you don’t. The fact is that the Internet provides more than enough information already. But it’s un-verified information. To find information that’s useful to you, requires a lot of work. And despite your extensive search, you may NOT find the answer to your specific question. In 5000bc, your membership gets you answers to your specific questions (and often a whole article written around a question)
When you join 5000bc you get membership into an exclusive club of real people just like you, who started with the basic understanding of the Brain Audit, and then like you, will sharpen their skills in using the Brain Audit. This helps us all to increase our profits from sales letters, speaking engagements, web sites, courses they sell, creating workshops. The list is endless. And the advice is sound and based on real experiences, instead of mere third-party blah blah!
This is without a doubt the best value in a marketing subscription that I’ve ever seen. Plus, it’s affordable even if you are just starting out.

Richard Mouser
Houston, Texas, USA
I had absolutely no hesitation. 5000bc was a total no-brainer. For $209 per year(old price), I was sure I’d get plenty of value.
I found that Sean makes himself very available via the forum. Every question is answered in depth. The monthly premium bonuses are well worth the price of the subscription. Sean answering questions is worth 10x the price…and there are lots of other very sharp people asking and answering questions…all keeping Sean on his toes.
Nothing is held back, you get a real inside view of Sean’s business model. I actually understand how his business works and can apply many of the same concepts to my situation.
If you hear a little snippet of an idea that Sean mentions in passing, you just ask about it and get the concept explained in depth. Sean does not stop until you “get” it.
I almost didn’t join 5000bc because I thought that I was too busy to participate and I wouldn’t be able to get a lot out of it.

Amelia Hirota
Cherating, Malaysia
The time spent in 5000bc is worth so much more than my annual fee. The learning is very concentrated and targeted, so I’m able to apply what I’ve learned immediately in my business.
I love the comprehensive vanishing reports, which could easily be sold as standalone products. There are tons of these in 5000bc and I love browsing through them to find answers to a current problem that I’m having.
5000bc members are very responsive and helpful. Sean is always around and answering questions. The level of expertise is very high amongst the members.
I would strongly recommend 5000bc to anyone interested in taking their online business to the next level.
My concern about joining was around whether there would be enough value. The second concern was whether I would be accepted or not.

Leona Wilson
Mississauga, ON, Canada
Hearing of a relatively small number of members, and by design at that, had me thinking maybe I wouldn’t fit in.
That was not the case at all. In actual fact I was absolutely delighted with the diverse community of helpful souls all on a mission. Everyone seems committed to both personal development and towards helping one another in a non-judgemental way.
There is honesty but there is care and respect. As a result I haven’t seen any defensiveness when there are some gentle nudges or candid feedback. The veil of mutual concern deflects ego! The content and various discussions are all very interesting and informative. I have learned so much in the couple of months I have been here.
The onboarding course Sean set up for us was a terrific way to become familiar with the site and get to know some of the members. The marketing concepts are repeated by the members as well as by Sean. It has already changed the way I read things and look at layouts.
What I wasn’t expecting was such a fun group!
Being on the site is energizing and I feel that I am welcomed. I would recommend 5000bc to anyone who was committed to learning AND participating. This is not a one way flow of information. Without the willingness to share and participate no one really benefits.
I am very happy to be on the site and am finding that it is helping me to layer out distractions, focus and do the things that I would rather avoid. In some ways I am reconnecting with a part of myself that I thought I had lost over a few tumultuous years. On a personal level I am hoping to continue to develop into a caring, successful business person who still has time to play. There are no shortage of role models on 5000bc!
My biggest hesitation in joining 5000bc was trusting it’d really be a safe place to make mistakes, while still getting support. The “Be helpful, Be kind, or Begone” messaging really helped.

John Reisinger
Tacoma, WA, USA
I found that my membership has already paid for itself 4-5x over already. What blows my mind is Sean’s interaction and support. He took me through finding the uniqueness of a new venture he could of easily charged me $650 (his hourly consulting fee for). But he didn’t, just gave guidance and allowed others to learn from my experience.
The one thing I like most is no-BS feedback from people. The people really want to help you succeed and they receive your feedback with gratitude. It’s really beautiful.
3 other benefits would be:
- Vanishing reports
- Audio interviews
- Seeing the “behind the scenes” of Sean’s products and sales pages
I would definitely recommend 5000bc. Why? Because it’s perfect support for any question you can have about marketing you are working on implementing.
What I liked about 5000bc was if I had a question, Sean wrote three articles answering my question. That blew me away!

Cheri Bennett
Plano, TX, USA
I thought 5000bc was going to be super expensive. Some trainings can be thousands of dollars for just a few weeks. I was pleasantly surprised how affordable a year of 5000bc was.
I am in action! And it’s the kind of action that I know is building a strong foundation for my business. I really resonated with the Brain Audit. However, there were so many things to implement, I kind of got stuck. Now, I’m taking action. And the people who are giving advice and feedback have the same foundation in what works in a non-salesy kind of way.
What I liked about 5000bc was if I had a question, Sean wrote three articles answering my question. That blew me away. In addition to the answer, I know I can learn from Sean how to be really productive! That kind of feedback doesn’t happen with all questions, of coarse. though the community is active and great at helping each other.
Internet marketing can be lonely. There’s lots of gurus telling you to do this or do that – you can become quickly overwhelmed or burned out or just not in action because it doesn’t feel authentic. 5000bc is a group of like minded people who are taking action and building their businesses and cheering each other on. And using a process to do it.
5000bc is one of the few sites I’ve been a member at that has such little drama. No huge fights. No negativity. Everyone tries their best to be helpful.

Ankesh Kothari,
Mumbai, India
I’ve been a member of a lot of membership sites over the years. Some charged $5 a month. Some charged $100 a month. Some were big and crowded and scary. Some had just a handful of members. Some were strictly moderated. Some were overtaken by self promotion by members.
But there is only one membership site I’ve stuck with year after year since over 9 years. And that is 5000bc.
Initially, I was attracted to 5000bc because of Sean. I’d read all his articles. Bought the Brain Audit. Bought a training course. And my life had improved significantly because of Sean. So gaining more access to him and his wisdom was a no brainer for me.
But unlike most membership sites 5000bc is not completely centered around Sean
There is activity there even when Sean goes for month long vacations. 5000bc has done quite a few things to make it a vibrating community.
Some really smart systems have been put in place that has kept the tempo up year after year.
1. The focus on safety. Its quite overwhelming for new members to join an already bustling community. But new members in 5000bc are given guided tours. Everyone introduces themselves. And almost every member has a photo – which makes a big difference in a virtual world.
2. Action oriented. With subforums like Tacking Action and Masterminds, a lot of focus is put on implementing things. You can always find other members to cheer you on or help provide a support system for you.
3. No drama. 5000bc is one of the few sites I’ve been a member at that has such little drama. No huge fights. No negativity. Everyone tries their best to be helpful. That’s a good mixture of culture, not letting anyone become a member, creating a safe environment and having good moderators on board – that is hard to replicate.
OK, so you’ve read about the members—but just as valued are the Vanishing Reports!
They’re called Vanishing reports because they vanish. And I know it sounds weird showing you something that you can’t have, but you need to see what you’ve missed, so that you know what to expect in the future. Here are just some of the reports that we’ve had in the past and what you can expect to see in the future.

Does this membership cost $50 a month? Or $100? Or $200?
It’s unreal, but 5000bc is so inexpensive
It’s so inexpensive that most people think there must be a catch. How can you get so much for so little? Many memberships charge $200 a month? How is it possible to ask hundreds of questions and get answers (some members have asked over 300 questions each). There has got to be a catch.
And yet no there is no catch.
You get everything just as it is described here on this page. And if you feel like contacting a current member, please get in touch with us, and we’ll be happy to give you their details. We have members from many countries and varied professions, so it’s more than likely that you’ll find someone whose business is similar to yours.
How do I join 5000bc?
Most other membership sites are keen to get you to sign up as quickly as possible. However, we choose to be a little different, because we want to make sure that 5000bc is a safe zone, with people who aren’t swayed by the myth of overnight results.
How it all works: the 21-day waiting period
We get clients to register, and then there’s a 21-day waiting period. This is to make sure you’re not rushed into “buying something” in the heat of the moment. It ensures that clients who join are ready to make that commitment to improve their business and not just hitting one more “buy now” button.
What happens in the 21-day waiting period?
Once you register, you’ll get a few goodies. It gives you a good understanding of what to expect (in terms of quality). And it’s useful information that you can put to good use right away. It’s more than likely that you’ve already listened to the podcast, or bought a few products from Psychotactics, and this will give you that little extra while you’re waiting for 21 days.
What is the next step?
Once you click on the link below, you’ll be asked to pay a sum of $10, to ensure your spot in the list, and three weeks from now, you’ll get a note from us. You might even want to put a reminder on your phone to look for that email.
That’s pretty much it. See you soon on the other side.
What happens next
Step 1: You pay $10 to register for 5000bc.
Step 2: You will then get goodies over the next 21 days.
Step 3: On the 21st day you will be invited to join and will be sent a private link.
The details of what you get with your membership is given below.
To get started look for the yellow ‘Buy Now’ button below.
5000bc Annual Membership | Regular Option | Premium Option |
Hidden Articles | ||
Checklists/How To Series | ||
The Library | ||
Access to Tactics & Strategies | ||
Bonuses | ||
The Cave | ||
Special Premium Bonuses | ||
Vanishing Reports | ||
Expert Interviews Series | ||
Special Bonuses | ||
Special offers on certain products | ||
First preference for ALL courses and workshops | ||
Special Price Per Year (US$) | $ 293 | $ 298 |
![]() |
Pay by PayPal (US$ 10) |
21-day waiting period fee $10 | |
Note: 5000bc Membership is a recurring membership. This means that your credit card will be automatically billed, when your membership comes up for renewal. However, there’s nothing to fear, as the system allows you to cancel your membership at any time, (you can do this from your own computer) and your card will NOT be re-billed in the next cycle. |
The Biggest Two Reasons Why You Should Join Right Away
1) When you pay your membership fee, the amount is locked in. This means that even when we raise prices, you’ll pay the very same fee (provided you don’t cancel your membership). No matter how high the prices go up in future, your membership fee stays constant. If you cancel, however, you will pay whatever the current rate happens to be at the time. Having this lock-in ensures that you never have to worry about increasing membership fees.
2) When you subscribe right now for the Premium membership, you also get the Expert Interview Marketing Series in perpetuity, as long as your membership is valid.
Important: If you have any questions that have been unanswered, please email me directly and let me know how I can help. I’d be interested in getting your feedback. The feedback that you give me is strictly confidential. Don’t forget to include your telephone number and a time to call you.